Everyone's credit rating will vary. Perfect credit is generally a FICO score of 720 or higher. Good credit is generally a FICO score 660 or higher. Fair credit is generally a FICO score of 620 or higher.
We're not some big company that requires perfect credit in order to be approved. However, Excellent credit has its rewards! We offer instant approval to people with Excellent credit.
Applicants with Fair credit will be required to have a good, three year, verifiable rental history. No exceptions.
Job stability can be an offsetting factor if you have some dings on your credit.
We also look at the reason a FICO score is low. A single event can be overlooked.
The bottom line: If you pay your rent on time, and take care of the property, and are a considerate neighbor, we'd like to talk to you even if your credit is not perfect. We can possibly work it out. However, if you are a loud neighbor, get complaints from your neighbors, are habitually late paying rent, have a history of breaking your lease or evictions, have extended periods of unemployment with frequent job changes, or don't take good care of the property you'll want to look elsewhere.